Which foods increase male potency?

Useful products for potency

Potency is the physiological ability to achieve sexual arousal and sexual intercourse. In order for the male reproductive system to work without failure, it is necessary to provide the body with a full range of necessary substances - nutrients. This can be achieved by adjusting your diet. In this article we will talk about the most important products that increase potency.

List of products that increase potency

Products that enhance potency contain high-quality protein in an easily digestible form, vitamins, macro and microelements. Classic set: seafood, fish, lean meat of animals and birds, vegetables and fruits. You can further enhance the effect with the help of spices.

sea Products

Seafood is considered to be the most effective due to increasing potencyHigh content of zinc, high-quality protein, as well as phosphorus, B vitamins (their deficiency worsens the conduction of nerve fibers), selenium.. Zinc is a key element in maintaining male reproductive health (Best Zinc Foods for Men). It participates in the synthesis of testosterone, inhibits the process of its breakdown and transformation into female estrogens. Lack of zinc is manifested by a decrease in potency and vitality in general.

Seafood includes invertebrates that live in the world's oceans:

  • Shellfish: oysters, mussels;
  • crustaceans: crabs, shrimps;
  • Cephalopods: squid, octopus;
  • Sea plants.
Mussels for potency

Fish is a product of a separate category. The following varieties are especially useful for increasing potency: salmon, mackerel, halibut, sardine, tuna.

Quail eggs, along with oysters, are considered a classic dish to enhance potency, but ordinary chicken eggs are not much inferior to them. Contrary to popular belief, the cholesterol contained in the yolk does not clog blood vessels, but is a building material for testosterone and cortisol molecules. With regular consumption of eggs, the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases, which reduces the risk of vascular erectile dysfunction. The heart also contains zinc, iron and fat-soluble vitamins D, A, E, which are necessary for the functioning of the gonads.

In addition, a man needs protein to maintain normal potency, and egg white is almost 100% absorbed. An adult can safely consume several eggs per day.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts are hard food for the stomach but good for potency. To avoid digestive problems, you can take no more than a handful a day. Nuts contain a lot of zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium and amino acids. Their presence in the diet will improve the condition of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems and stimulate the work of the gonads.

The following nuts are most useful for potency:

The best option to use to increase potency is in a honey mixture or in the form of nut milk, which can be made at home. To prepare it, first soak the nuts for 6-8 hours, then dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 5 (100 g of nuts per 500 ml of water), grind in a blender, strain the obtained mass. Milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Of the potential seeds, pumpkin seeds are the most useful - they are valuable for their high zinc content. However, in addition to this element, the composition contains many other nutrients that are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system:

  1. A complete set of B vitamins.
  2. Vitamins A and C.
  3. Complete set of vitamin E tocopherols (optimal absorption option).
  4. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.
  5. Fatty acid.

Industrial hemp, flax, chia, sprouted oat and wheat seeds are also useful.

Pumpkin seeds for potency

Meat products

Animal and poultry meat has little cholesterol, which is dangerous for everyone, and many amino acids are necessary for building muscles and maintaining the balance of sex hormones. To increase the potential, you should choose lean varieties of young fish and cook them using gentle methods: in the oven, steamed or fried. In this way, nutrients are better stored and their subsequent absorption by the stomach. Grilled steaks, barbecue or fatty ribs are overweight, bad cholesterol and carcinogens.

The following types of meat are most useful for maintaining potency:

  • Beef. Contains a lot of zinc, amino acids, vitamins B, A, E, PP. The meat is rough, so it is advisable to prepare minced meat from it first, and then steamed cutlets, meatballs, meatballs and plates.
  • Rabbit meat. It is 21% higher than chicken in protein content, 90% is absorbed by the body (beef only 60%).
  • cow meat. Meat is taken from animals aged 3 to 5 months. It is a valuable protein product with a high content of protein, iron and B vitamins.
  • Turkey meat. It is considered the safest among all industrial poultry meat.
  • Quail meat. It is a dietary product rich in retinol, B vitamins, PP, phosphorus and potassium.

Chicken and pork have been of questionable quality in recent years due to growth-promoting additives. Meat from wild animals is also useful for increasing potency, but it must be properly prepared before heat treatment.


The most valuable vegetables for improving male potential are:

  • Cauliflower;
  • turnip, carrot, pumpkin; ;
  • stewed tomatoes (see also: the benefits of tomatoes for men);
  • Shallot
  • celery;
  • Romaine lettuce, arugula, watercress;
  • Asparagus.

Please note that excessive consumption of raw vegetables will cause bloating and intestinal discomfort. Food should be balanced: 2/3 fiber and 1/3 animal protein.

fruits and berries

Fruits and berries are rich not only in vitamins, but also in acids that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help activate blood circulation.To increase potency, it is recommended to give preference to watermelon, avocado, fig,banana,Blueberries, goji berries. Among the garden berries that are useful for stimulating libido are raspberries, strawberries and sea buckthorn (more foods that increase libido in men).

Potency will improve if you drink a nut milk-based cocktail with the addition of bananas, strawberries and other berries 2-4 times a week.

Berries for potency

Herbs and spices

The following spices help to increase potency:

Turmeric (turmeric) is also useful for potency.

Bee products

Few men regularly consume bee products. However, they are the most accessible source of bioactive substances that are valuable for potency. The most common product of beekeeping is honey. It can be added to morning porridge, a cocktail or mixed with nuts.

Bee bread (pollen in the form of lumps) is less popular. Men who want to improve potency are recommended to take one tablespoon a day on an empty stomach. This natural product contains almost the entire periodic table.

Fast acting potency products - are there such things?

It will not be possible to instantly activate potency by taking this or that food product, but you can increase blood circulation and increase the sensitivity of nerve endings. Fresh seafood, sour cream and nuts are suitable for this (healthy recipes from sour cream and nuts for men).

The most useful vegetables to quickly improve potency are ginger root, horseradish, parsley and garlic. It is better to use them in the form of an alcoholic tincture:

  • On garlic: pour 200 ml of alcohol (70%) on 200 g of crushed garlic, leave for 10 days, strain. Take with milk: 5 drops of tincture per 50 ml of milk.
  • For ginger: 400 g of root per 1 liter of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks. You can add a few tablespoons of honey (a good preservative). To increase excitement, it is enough to drink 30-50 g.
  • For horse kurki ("Hrenovukha"): 100 g of grated horseradish root, 30 g of ginger root, 1 liter of high-quality moonshine, 2 tablespoons of honey. Leave the mixture for 3-4 days. To improve potency, you can drink about 50 g before sex.
  • For parsley: 125 g of chopped root, pour 0. 5 liters of vodka, leave for 3 weeks. Drink a strained infusion of 15 ml daily.

Tinctures of garlic, ginger and parsley are especially useful for men over 50 years of age. They improve potency by stimulating the gonads and activating blood flow.

It is advisable not only to eat parsley and celery greens fresh, but also to freeze them for the winter (greenhouse products contain a lot of nitrates).

Products that reduce potency

It is a food harmful to potency, the consumption of which has a negative effect on the condition of blood vessels, blood composition, contributes to weight gain and distorts the hormonal level. They include:

  1. trans fats. Almost all fast food and semi-finished products are produced on their basis: hamburger cutlets, chips, crackers, snacks, sweets, dumplings. Frequent consumption of such food will definitely lead to an increase in the amount of heavy cholesterol, thickening of blood, deterioration of erection and decrease of libido. It is very difficult to get rid of fat accumulated as a result of such a diet. WHO recommends reducing trans fat intake to 1% of daily calories.
  2. A tooth. People with a sweet tooth are not aware of health problems until they are overweight and at risk of developing diabetes. High blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage and impotence. The fatty layer actively converts testosterone into female estrogen.
  3. smoked meat. The substances contained in the liquids and vapors of smoking have a negative effect on the functioning of the testicles. Testosterone synthesis decreases with further deterioration of potency.

Beer causes enormous damage to potency. It is a rare man who does not develop a heavy belly and enlarged breasts due to regular use. Beer disrupts hormonal levels, biases estrogen, decreases potency, and accelerates the approach of andropause.

Another option of drinks that have an extremely negative effect on potency are sweet carbonated alcoholic cocktails, as well as popular lemonades and soda.

Herbs for potency

Loose penis - what to do?

Many men face the problem of weak erection, and not only in old age. The impossibility of a stable erection and sexual life undermines a man's self-confidence and causes psychological problems, which only aggravates the situation. This problem can be temporary for everyone, but if it is permanent, you should consult a specialist.

Erectile problems in men

Treatment of a damaged penis can be done with medicines or folk remedies, but always under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication can harm the body.

The main reasons why the penis becomes dark

Before determining what to do with a loose penis, you need to understand what caused this phenomenon. Conventionally, all causes are divided into psychological and physiological. They require different treatments.

The following factors can cause erectile dysfunction:

  • stress, nervous disorders, strong emotions;
  • Diseases of the genital area: STD, prostate disorders, tumors;
  • chronic fatigue and exhaustion;
  • psychological problems related to relationships;
  • cardiovascular system diseases;
  • Unhealthy lifestyle: abundance of fatty foods, alcohol and nicotine abuse, drug addiction.

Don't forget the incomprehensible reasons. For example, alcohol, condoms (incorrect size), depression and even jealousy prevent some men from having an erection.

Symptoms and diagnosis

How to recognize potency problems

Doctors have repeatedly said that there is no need to panic if the erection weakens once.

If the following warning signs appear, you should contact a specialist:

  • He has not had an erection for a long time;
  • no morning erection;
  • It is impossible to achieve an erection even by masturbation;
  • Erection occurs, but premature ejaculation.

Very often, symptoms gradually increase. At first, an erection appears, but it subsides, and then becomes weaker and weaker. It is quite easy to determine that the reason is psychological. As a rule, in this case, the problems concern only the sexual act. There is no difficulty during masturbation and there is a morning erection.

As a diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a prostate ultrasound, blood test, urethral smear or spermogram. An ECG and thyroid ultrasound may be necessary if chronic diseases causing erectile dysfunction are suspected.

Loose penis, what to do to restore male strength: ways

Modern medicine has come a long way and offers many options for restoring an erection. Between them:

Medicines to improve blood circulation;

The treatment method is selected based on the patient's condition and diagnosis. There is no universal solution. An individual approach is important here.

Drug treatment

Medicinal treatment of an enlarged penis is very popular. Medicines for normalizing potency can be very diverse. There are medications that are injected directly into the urethra. They are available in the form of ointments and gels and help to improve potency. However, the effect is usually temporary and the woman may experience discomfort from the gel.

Oral tablets are more common. They can be synthetic or herbal. Their mechanism of action is related to vasodilation and improvement of blood circulation in the penis area. It is not recommended to take such drugs indiscriminately.

Only a specialist can choose the appropriate remedy and prescribe the dosage. When using drugs, you need to undergo periodic examinations in order not to miss the emergence of complications.

Hardware treatment for an enlarged penis

Only eliminating the symptoms of the disease is not very effective. In order to cure, you need to affect the cause of erectile dysfunction, which is often done with the help of hardware treatment.

The clinic can offer you various options and methods. Laser treatment is one of the most modern. Laser exposure improves immunity and relieves inflammation.

Electrophoresis allows you to activate the functioning of the peripheral nervous system, as well as normalize blood circulation.

Sometimes impotence occurs as a result of radiation therapy after cancer treatment. Hardware techniques can help you solve this problem. Device therapy can be combined with both drugs and traditional treatment. An experienced doctor will help you choose the optimal set of procedures.

Expert advice on potency recovery

Despite the abundance of drugs and other treatment methods, experts recommend not to forget the most obvious things:

You need to change your diet, add food that normalizes potency: seafood, walnuts, dairy products.

It is necessary to monitor your weight. Fatigue, like obesity, cannot affect a man's health. Exercise and diet can help correct the situation.

You should not refuse to consult a psychologist. Even in the case of physiological impotence, the help of a specialist will not be superfluous.

Only comprehensive treatment and a radical change in lifestyle will eliminate the problem of impotence for a long time.

What to do to make the penis stand up: folk remedies

Treatment of erectile dysfunction at home is possible, but these methods are not enough, since not all diseases can be treated with traditional methods. But they can complement basic therapy.

The easiest way to restore an erection at home is diet and exercise to improve blood circulation. They will not help immediately, but they will heal the body and strengthen it. You can also drink herbal decoctions (mint, St. John's wort, nettle), take a small amount of mulled wine with the addition of nuts and nettle.

There are many tips on what to do to make your penis erect. However, the rule of thumb is that what works for one person may not work for another. Consultation with a specialist will help you determine the underlying cause and choose the correct treatment method.

List of foods that increase potency (+ the most harmful for male libido)

Which food increases potency

The health of men's reproductive system, as well as their sexual abilities, depends on many factors. Unfavorable environmental conditions, chronic diseases, alcohol consumption, long-term use of medicines - all this affects sexual function. To improve potency, a man is recommended to take vitamin complexes, medications, undergo physiotherapy sessions and specially designed exercises. The food that makes up a man's diet also plays an important role. If there is a preponderance of fat and cholesterol among them, then it is necessary to adjust the nutritional system. It should contain potential products that contain valuable vitamins (read more about vitamins for male potential) and trace elements.

Which foods are harmful to men's health?

It is important to have an idea not only of products that are beneficial to potency, but also of those that make it worse. this:

  • Bakery, bakery products. These products contain yeast, sugar and acids, which also have a negative effect on testosterone synthesis;
  • Foods high in cholesterol. They contribute to the blockage of blood vessels and poor circulation in the pelvic organs. Such products include fatty pork and beef, sausage, margarine, butter, egg yolk, fatty cheese, liver pate;
  • "Fast" food (fries, hamburgers, pizza). contains harmful trans fats that cause hormonal imbalance;
  • Products that reduce potency
  • Smoked meats contain chemicals that inhibit testosterone synthesis. In addition, these products contain liquid smoke, which is harmful because it damages the testicles with strong toxins;
  • Linseed, soybean and corn oils. They not only have a negative effect on potency, but also damage spermatogenesis;
  • beer. The disadvantage of this drink is that it disrupts the hormonal balance. Beer helps suppress testosterone synthesis because it contains phytoestrogens - female sex hormones..This is most clearly seen in the formation of a fatty layer in the abdomen;
  • Bird eggs in unlimited quantities. It is optimal if a man does not consume more than one egg in 48 hours,Since this product has a negative effect on potency and damages reproductive function;
Beer reduces potency

When beer is consumed continuously and in large quantities, men stop producing the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system. Over time, this can lead to potency problems

  • Sweet carbonated drinks. In addition to a large amount of sugar, they contain various dyes and chemical additives that do not allow to achieve a high-quality erection. They also reduce the production of testosterone and negatively affect the production of active sperm;
  • Coffee and caffeinated beverages. They dramatically reduce the level of testosterone and increase the content of female sex hormones, despite the fact that caffeine is quickly excreted from the body.

If a man often consumes food that greatly affects potency, he should think about adjusting his diet. This is especially important if poor nutrition is combined with frequent stress, overwork, a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight.

Foods that increase potency

To improve potency, it is necessary to eliminate foods harmful to health and sexual performance and to enrich the diet with healthy foods.

Drinks are good for male power

In addition to products that are used to increase potency in men, there are various drinks with similar properties. Below is a list of such funds:

  1. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. Vegetables contain a large amount of zinc, so the drink increases potency and strengthens the penis. Juice can be made at home using natural products;
  2. Ginger tea. This drink improves potency, stimulates blood circulation, prevents stagnation. To prepare tea, take 2 cm of ginger root, peel it and grind it, then pour a glass of boiling water into the mixture and let it stand for 10 minutes. You can add honey and lemon to the drink;

It should be noted that alcohol, beer, coffee reduce potency, so it is better to refuse such drinks.

Simple recipes and dishes for men's health

There are simple recipes that can strengthen your erection and generally improve the quality of a man's intimate life. You can try the following:

  • Sesame and honey. You should take a handful of sesame seeds and fry them in a pan without using any oil. then mix them with natural honey and eat three tablespoons three times a day;
  • Carrot, daikon and apple. Grate the root vegetables and fruits on a medium grater and add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture. Take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture three times a day;
  • Food mixture based on honey, red wine and aloe juice. The first component is taken in the amount of one glass, add a tablespoon of aloe juice and 0. 5 liters of wine. The mixture should be absorbed within 14 days. Drink the prepared liquid before meals, a tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is at least one month;
Honey with sesame for potency

When consuming sesame seeds in combination with honey, the effect of sesame increases many times, because honey is also a strong stimulant of male power due to its high content of biologically active substances.

  • Onion with cottage cheese. You will need 2 Yalta onions, 120 g of cottage cheese, half a cup of cottage cheese milk and green leaves. Finely chop the onion, mix with cottage cheese, pour cottage cheese with milk. Put greens on top of the dish;
  • Shrimp soup. It is necessary to finely chop and fry 2 carrots, parsley root, onion, pour the obtained mass into boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then add 500 g of cauliflower, cut into florets, to the soup and cook until soft. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add 200 g of pre-cooked shrimp meat to the pan. Add chopped parsley and dill to the finished dish;
  • A mixture of horseradish and honey. Horse is a strong aphrodisiac, which also fights against inflammatory diseases of the genitals. To prepare a drink based on it, you need to take 300 g of raw materials, 2 cups of boiling water, 3 tablespoons of natural honey. Grind horseradish, pour boiling water, cool. After that, drain the water and add honey to the rabbit. This savory mixture can be used as a sauce for fish and meat dishes;


Increasing potency by adjusting the diet is possible only if a man leads a healthy and active lifestyle. In smokers and alcohol users, half of the nutrients are not absorbed. The effect of a specific product also depends on the individual characteristics of the body and nutrients (some have hypovitaminosis, others may have the opposite situation).